- Graduation from the medical faculty of Zurich - M.D. / general practitioner
- Training in Polarity Wellness / holistic healing method / J. Beaulieu
- Various medical experience: surgery, village doctor, emergency doctor in Zurich
- Six month journey through the USA and Canada with stays in Maine, British Columbia and Oregon
- Own practice in Zurich: medical psychotherapy for psycho-somatic problems
- Co-leadership of childbirth preparation courses for couples
- Teaching massage courses, Tuscany
- Introduction with self-experience in Transactional Analysis, Bioenergetics, Systemic Methods, e.g. Systemic Constellations (B. Hellinger, M. Varga v. Kibéd, I. Sparrer) and NLP
- Training in Ericksonian hypnotherapy / St. Lankton
- Marriage with Marianne Verny - Starlinger
- Leadership of self-awareness seminars
- Birth of first daughter
- Teaching System Constellation Work in Europe, Israel and USA
- Student in Process-Oriented Psychology (POP) in Zurich
- Student in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) / St. Leeds → cert. Master Practitioner NLP
- Co-leading seminars and trainings in Process Oriented Psychology (POP) in Czecho-Slovakia
- Birth of second daughter
- Guest teacher at the Comenius University Bratislava: introduction to Process Oriented Psychology (POP)
- Leading communication and conflict management seminars for IBM-Switzerland and nursing staff in Zurich
- Leading men’s retreats in CH, CR Germany, SK and Catalonia
- Teacher, teaching therapist and teaching supervisor at FG POP / IPA Zurich, Switzerland
- Co-leading the 3-year POP training in Slovakia together with A. & J.-Cl. Audergon & L. Arye
- Training in trauma therapy / B. Rothchild, P. Levine, A. St. Just
- Training in art therapeutic supervision / team counseling / @ EGIS → dipl. Supervisor BSO
- Mental coach of the Swiss National Riding Team of Icelandic Horses
- Doctor specialized in psychiatry and psychotherapy FMH
- PW Seminars in Israel
- Co-leadership of the training for System Constellations for people in psychosocial professions in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
- Co-director of PW Institutes and PW trainings in Bratislava, Prague and Zurich
Psychotherapist, psychiatrist, coach and supervisor (individuals & teams), seminar leader, couple therapist (mainly in tandem with Marianne Verný)